Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

How To Make Your Body Healthy

1. Rest of quality. Breaks associated with housing, and environmental activities. Sleeping the night is one of the most important thing to support the mind and body health. Make sure you always feel comfortable for your night’s sleep, with a cool atmosphere of the room, quiet (not noisy), and clean. Sleep well without thought for 7-8 hours.

2. A comfortable, quiet, and clean. The effect of this will be very disturbing performance of the brain and psychological factors. How does it feel when your daily activities with the state over the house of noisy, noisy, dirty and uncomfortable? well choose a quiet environment, comfortable, and clean before you either decide the right place. How your brain and mind can relax with the way the house market?

3. Eat healthy foods. Your diet will determine the health of the body and greatly affect immunity. Moreover the foods you eat will greatly affect the “physical form” of every human being. If you want to look fresh, eat fresh foods such as fresh vegetables, soup, sukiyaki, vegetables spinach, poached chicken, tofu steamed, fresh fruit, etc.. Try the process of making the foods you consume do not contain high saturated fat, cholesterol, and substances that are harmful such as dyes and preservatives. food processing with steamed, boiled or baked is better than the fries.

4. Exercising regularly. This 1 thing you do not Quran. Forgot / lazy to exercise a week can make the body muscles become loose and your body will feel sluggish and your mind becomes mumet. Always make a good schedule for exercise, ie 3 times a week or even every day is not nothing. A good exercise can increase endurance, circulation and strengthen muscles loose. Vitality you will stay awake all day.

5. Management of mind / way of thinking. Life is indeed complex, each person must be in trouble. Your mind should be back to nature, meant to think about what you do for yourself. Miasl: diet, sleep patterns, patterns akrifitas, recreation, etc.. Do not mix stir your thoughts with others. Just face what you’re experiencing now, you’re not always going to live like that. Most important: make planning for your future, do not urusin others. And 1 more that you have to remember, always bring yourself with God and “communicate” with him as often as possible.


ondos mengatakan...

nice sharing.. good article..

Miftahuddin mengatakan...

good article,,

poem mengatakan...

keep post

mas doyok mengatakan...

yg makan makanan sehat itu susah
dijalan lihat jajan rasanya pengen beli terus kan
padahal tahu kesehatannya belum pasti terjamin

Hidup Untuk Berbagi mengatakan...

bagus postnya

Pasang Iklan Gratis mengatakan...

biar badan sehat

Website Informasi Online mengatakan...

informatif sekali

mampir balik ya

Unknown mengatakan...

semangat terusssssssss!!!!

affanibnu mengatakan...

aduh.. ingirs.. hehe

Anonim mengatakan...

ELsa . .
blog ny gak ada shoutmix ny yah ? ?

medan mengatakan...

Nice info

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